meet jess

Jess Mullen, MS & RRCA Certified Running Coach

I’ll admit it. Like most people, I used to eat a lot of junk and I stopped exercising. At 20, I remember going for a 30-minute bike ride and promptly getting sick. It was a wake-up call – the first time I really thought about the importance of what I chose to put in my body and how important regular exercise was.

After studying accounting and working as a corporate auditor, I had a realization: I wanted to do something that would help real people. I went back to school and earned a Master of Nutritional Science degree from Bastyr University, which combined a focus on whole foods with solid research. I also started being a personal trainer and coaching runners. I believe they all are part of the complete picture for health. I have narrowed my focus to mainly coaching runners now.

I’ve run a ton myself and I have coached numerous clients, all very different. Every client is unique and the running program that is going to suit them best is also unique and ever changing. I enjoy the relationship. I see us as a team that work together to make their running goals a reality.

What I really love most is helping active people figure out what works for them and what they can sustain.

I truly believe you can feel better, look better and perform better, even as you age.